Covid-19 Out of Hours News

268 Holbrook Lane, Coventry, CV6 4DD

Tel: 02476 688 340

All our Practices


The surgeries offer a number of clinics which can be booked via our Care Navigators at reception or some can also be booked on-line or by invitation. If you are unsure who is the right person to see, please discuss with our Care Navigators who will be able to assist you

Ante natal / midwife clinics - 1st bookings will last for 1 hour and we aim for you to seen at around 8 weeks into your pregnancy

Counselling services - you may have been referred by your nurse / doctor or you can self refer to NHS Talking Therapies. You can self-refer by calling 02476 671090. More information can be found on their Talking Therapies website.

Diabetes Clinic - If you are diagnosed with Diabetes the Practice nurse will review your care at least once per year. You can find information on diabetes care at

Hypertension (Raised Blood Pressure) Clinic - If you are diagnosed with hypertension the practice nurse will review your care at least once per year. If you have a home blood pressure monitor, please download one of our home blood pressure sheets and send us your information so that we can update our records. You can find information on hypertension at

Respiratory Disorders (Asthma , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD) - If you are diagnosed with any respiratory disease our practice nurses will review you at least once per year. It is important that they review your inhaler technique and that the medicines prescribed to you remain effective.More information on these conditions can be found at

Flu Clinics - flu clinics are held each year form September to provide you with a free NHS flu vaccination. It is important that you are protected from influenza especially if you are very young, over 65 years of age or suffer from one of the above conditions.


Travel Information

If you are travelling abroad and require vaccinations you will need to allow at least 6 weeks to ensure any vaccinations you need have time to be effective. Some vaccinations can be provided on the NHS but some may need to be provided at private Travel Health Clinics. You can find local Travel Clinics on line who will advise you on the vaccinations required and the cost

Some courses of vaccinations take two or three months to complete so please take this into consideration when planning your journey.