Covid-19 Out of Hours News

268 Holbrook Lane, Coventry, CV6 4DD

Tel: 02476 688 340

All our Practices


Useful contacts

Samaritans: If you are feeling alone & at risk of suicide

MIND  : Concerned about your mental health 

Young Minds : Mental Health concerns for young people & their families 

Domestic Violence: Safe to talk about your concerns for advice and support 

Panhaghar : Multi-cultural & multi-lingual help for concerns about domestic abuse & violence

Emergency Contraception & Sexual Health: Advice & supply of emergency contraception 

Drug & Alcohol Issues : Advice, support & guidance on issues to drug and/or alcohol misuse

Debt Help & Advice : Free advice & help to manage debt issues

Citizens Advice : help and advicce with issues regarding finance, housing, benefits & support 

Healthy Heart - you can find lots of helpful information & advice on this website



Men's Health 

At our Practices we are constantly looking at preventative healthcare and how we can work with you to recognise early symptoms of serious conditions in order to start treatment and prevent worsening. This could be through medication, surgery or simple lifestyle changes.

Over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on Hypertension otherwise know as high blood pressure in men between the ages of 45 to 55. Statistics have shown that this group are at a higher risk of this condition. Therefore, monitoring blood pressure each year in these patients can improve the chance of recognising the early signs, enabling a treatment plan to be put in place and reducing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

If you receive (or have already received) a text message from the practice asking you to submit a blood pressure reading, we actively encourage you to complete this as soon as convenient. If you have your own monitor, you can submit the reading by clickin gon the "submit a request" on the front page of our website. Otherwise you can go to your nearest pharmacy that provides Blood Pressure checks and they will take a reading from you and submit it to the practice.

What Next?

If your reading is deemed within normal range, you will receive a message from us thanking you for your submission and advising you that you have nothing further required for a year. We recommend that these readings are completed and submitted annually.

If your reading is between 141/91 mmHg and 179/110 mmHg, you will be asked to complete a 7-day monitoring process. This will mean that you will need to take daily readings over a 7-day period and submit these to the practice. This can either be done through a Pharmacy that provides blood pressure checks or you can request the loan of a monitor from the practice. Please note that these monitors are limited and have a strict loan duration in order for as many patients to have access to this service.

If your reading is above 179/110 mmHg you will be required to attend the practice in order to discuss a treatment plan with our Clinical Pharmacist. 

Your health is at the forefront of this programme, and we strongly advise, should you receive the invite, that you participate. If you have any concerns or questions that you wish to discuss further then please contact the surgery via our website “Submit a request” option on the home screen.

In addition, we have a number of suggested articles that may help give you a better understanding of Hypertension and related conditions. The links for these are below:

British Heart Foundation

Blood Pressure UK


 Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) scan. You can find information about this scan and the reason it is offered on this NHS website. You can contact the local screening office to request a scan by calling 01788 663428


How your GP surgery works

This NHS Guide to Practices leaflet tells you all about how the GP surgeries are providing the Primary Health Care for the patients. A lot of changes have taken place, and continue, as a range of clincial and administrative specilaists work together to provide this care. Please take the time to read this information and make the most of the services available.



You can contact us about NON-urgent medical or administrative issues directly from this website. Simply, click on the "submit a new request" option on our Home page and follow the instructions to tell us about your issue. A member of our surgery team will contact you back to advise or action your query. We will respond within 2 working days to any requests, please note that over the Bank Holiday we will not have access to your request, but they will be reviewed on our return.


Help for Young People

We know how difficult it can be facing challenges as a young person. We are here to help you ..... but there is also help available if you perhaps just want to take a look and see what is available ..... it is annonymous and free .... use he link below to see how easy it is to be able to find information ... or just someone to talk to safely.....

Information about Kooth


Do you want an easier way to order your medication?

On-line access may be the answer! If you have access to the internet, you can request On-line access to your records. For most people this is most useful to be able to order your medication or send non-urgent messages to the Practice. It removes the need to spend time on the telephone waiting for either the surgery or the Prescription POD to answer. 

We have to verify your identity before we release this access to protect your medical records. We will therefore ask you to provide photo ID, which is usually a Driving licence or passport. Once we have this, we will send you the log in details you will need top set up your account. You can then set your own password so you can keep your data safe.

You can download and fill in this form below or collect one from the surgery reception. Simply fill in all of your details clearly and return it to us at the surgery. Our administrator will then contact you to verify your details and you will be set up.


Annual Reviews & Checks

The Practice will soon begin inviting our patients who are diagnosed with long-term conditions ( for example: Diabetes, Asthma, Hypertension etc). From this year, we will be sending invitations in the month of your birthday. If you have symptoms or changes to your symptoms outside of this time, please contact the surgery in the usual way(s) to discuss these with one of the clinicians.


Mobile telephone numbers

If you change your telephone number, please remember to let us know as we may need to contact you.


Integrated Care Record  (ICR)

The Integrated Care Record system is being rolled out across the NHS over the next few months. This should enable all professionals providing your care, whether in the hospitals, General Practice or Community to be able to provide a more streamlined service for all of our patients. You can watch a short video here to describe how this will work. You can also download some general information and Frequently Asked Questions which help to understand this process.

National Diabetes Survey Opt Out

The NHS will be conducting a survery, in conjunction with Ipsos from March 2024. They are looking for feedback & experiences of patients who have a diagnosis of either Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. 

This survey is exempt from any National Opt out preferences that our patients may have previously selected and will therefore need to further opt out of this request. Your GP surgery is legally obliged to comply with this request and cannot apply opt out requests on your behalf. The document below details the telephone number & e-mail address that you need to inform if you do not wish your data to be used. You have until 17th January 2024 to confirm your opt out, after which the data will be accessed.

National Diabetes Survey Opt Out details 2024

National Data Opt-out 

If you do not want your patient identifiable data to be shared for purposes EXCEPT your personal care, you can "opt-out" by registering a Type 1 Opt out or National Data Opt-out, or BOTH.

These options are DIFFERENT and you can find out more on the NHS Digital website 

Type 1 Opt-out - This means opting out of NHS Digital collecting your information from the GP Practice.

This collection started on 1st September 2021.  You can still opt-out, but any data that has been collected before you register your opt-out will still be stored with NHS Digital. Once you have registered your opt-out no further data will be collected. You need to complete the Opt-out form here and return it to the Practice.

Type 1 Opt-out form


National Data Opt-out

This opt-out means that data can be collected from the GP pactice system and used for planning and research purposes BUT cannot be shared with any others. You can update your choice about this opt-out at any time by using this link to make your choice, calling the National Helpline or e-mailing them as detailed on the NHS website.


Telephone access to the surgeries

Demand for access to all of our services is currently high and impacts on the ability to reach us on the telephone, especially first thing in the mornings. We have made additional call handlers available and additionally have introduced the option for you to receive a call-back rather than waiting on the line to speak to our reception staff.

This means that if an excess of callers are waiting, they will be offered the option to receive a call-back, whilst still holding their place in the queue. We trus that this will improve your experience at contacting the surgery. 


Are you a Carer?

If you help to look after a relative or friend, provide help with day to day living or more intensive care, you are a carer. The role that you provide is invaluable to the person you care for and wider society. 

But you may find it difficult to take proper care of your own health and well being........ there is lots of support and guidance available to you. The Carers Trust is an organisation that can help you with practical solutions, such as ensuring that you are aware of any financial assistance that may be available or arranging some respite to enable you to have a short break from your caring respoinsibilities. Carers are any age and from any background..... take a look at the Carers Trust website or give them a call on 024 76 632972

The local council also has advice and guidance which you may wish to access including ways in which you can plan for any changes that might affect you or the person you care for if you develop symptoms of Covid 19

And remember, you can access a health check and free flu vaccination from your GP surgery as a carer. If you have not let us know that you are a carer, send us a short message or call us so we can update our records and ensure we send you the invitations that you are entitled to.

Thank you for caring.


Social Prescribing ....... there is someone who can help.

Social prescribers work alongside us in Practice with the things that can't be fixed with medicine alone. We all know that issues and worries in our life can affect how we feel and how we cope with things.... stress, anxiety, money worries, housing problems, loneliness or isolation.

'What is social prescribing' video.

Call the surgery with your name and a contact number and our social prescriber will call you 


The information on this website relates to our services at The Gables Medicentre,  Allesley Village Surgery & Earlsdon Medical Centre (Govind).