Covid-19 Out of Hours News

268 Holbrook Lane, Coventry, CV6 4DD

Tel: 02476 688 340

All our Practices



Child Vaccinations

All children should commence the vaccination programme from two months old. You will receive invitations to attend our child vaccination clinics.
See our FAQ on childhood vaccinations

Immunisations are important to provide protection against infectious diseases. Further information regarding childhood vaccinations


Cervical Cytology

Women between the ages of 25 to 65 will receive an invitation for a cervical smear test. This procedure should be performed routinely at three to five year intervals depending on age. Smears will be done more frequently where necessary.
Further information regarding Cervical Cytology


Family Planning

A range of family planning is available at the surgery. We offer coil fitting and removal.


Health Checks

Patients are entitled to have cardiovascular risk screening under the NHS every five years from the age of 40-74. This comprises of a blood test and a consultation with the GP or practice nurse once the results are available. We will calculate your level of health risk taking into account your family history, smoking history, weight and blood pressure. We will recommend changes to reduce that risk.



Annual protection against influenza is offered to patients over the age of 65 and those at high risk, e.g. with chronic heart, chest, some breathing disorders, and diabetes. 
Further information regarding the Flu Vaccination



Women aged 50 to 70 years will be offered a mammogram every three years as part of the national screening programme.
Further information regarding Mammography


Pre-pregnancy advice

Pre-pregnancy advice is offered by the doctors and midwife for those thinking of becoming pregnant. It is essential that you stop smoking, reduce your alcohol intake to a minimum, ensure an adequate daily intake of the vitamin folic acid in your diet, and check with your doctor about any medication you are taking. Further information regarding Preconception Care. As a general rule don't take any drugs, including those bought over the counter, in pregnancy, unless advised by your doctor. All pregnant women should attend the antenatal clinic as soon as possible.


Tetanus & Polio

Protection against tetanus and polio should be kept up to date. A full primary course with a booster at 15 should be followed by at least two boosters at 10 year intervals to protect throughout life.